Have You Received a Traffic Ticket in New Jersey?

You only have a few days from the day you received your ticket to either set it for a court hearing or pay it.  If you don’t, a warrant will be issued for your arrest.  Don’t just pay your court fine. Instead, hire the Lueddeke Law Firm  for a small fee and we will work to get your ticket dismissed, protect your driving record, and save you time and money! 

If you simply pay the fine for your citation, you are pleading guilty. If it is a moving violation, that becomes a part of your driving record and could raise your insurance premiums. In that event, you end up paying the full amount of your fine several times over the next few years.  If you plead guilty, you may also be assessed points on your license by the Department of Motor Vehicles. If you acquire too many points, your license may be suspended or revoked. 

Our goal is to have the charges against you dismissed. If we cannot get your citation dismissed, we will aggressively negotiate with the prosecutor to achieve the best possible result for you.

You only have a few days to either request a court appearance or pay your fine. If you do nothing, a warrant for your arrest will be issued. Don’t wait! Hire us now to take care of your citation.

Contact us today or call 732-449-2884 for a completely free consultation.